My Dev Coaster - Dev Retro 2022

My Dev Coaster - Dev Retro 2022

Writing a blog on my progress and learning journey is something that I am really excited about. In this blog, I will be sharing my experiences and insights from the various internships, startups, workshops, hackathons, and open-source events that I have been a part of over the last few years.


First of all, I am extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to get offers from 14+ companies as an intern while sitting for interviews for around 20 companies, each of which has taught me something valuable and unique. I have had the opportunity to work on 7 startups, which has given me an incredible amount of hands-on experience and has allowed me to see first-hand the challenges and rewards of building a successful business. These internships have allowed me to explore different industries and gain a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities that exist within them.

Learnings & Community Work

In addition to my internship experience, I have also had the opportunity to conduct 5+ workshops as a speaker. These workshops have allowed me to share my knowledge and experience with others, and have been incredibly rewarding experiences for me. I have also been fortunate enough to win 7 hackathons, which has not only given me a sense of accomplishment but has also allowed me to meet and collaborate with some incredibly talented and motivated individuals. I have also had the opportunity to learn and work with several new technologies. For example, I have learned and worked with React Native, which is a popular framework for building cross-platform mobile applications using JavaScript. I have also learned about blockchain technologies and getting into the web3 ecosystem as a researcher as well as a developer.

Learning and working with these new technologies has been an incredibly rewarding experience for me. It has allowed me to expand my skill set and knowledge base and has allowed me to work on some exciting and cutting-edge projects. I am excited to continue learning and exploring new technologies, and I am always on the lookout for new and exciting opportunities to do so.


Furthermore, I have been involved in several open-source events such as SWOC, SSOC, GSSOC, and Diversion, both as a mentor and as a contributor. These events have allowed me to give back to the open-source community and have been incredibly rewarding experiences for me. I am currently working on building my startup, and I am excited about the potential impact it could have on the world.


In addition to all of this, I have written 10+ technical blogs, mentored juniors, completed 5+ freelance projects (one of which was a 7-digit project), and have been involved in several other exciting projects and initiatives.

Financial Independence

One of the most important things that I have learned and experienced over the last few years is the importance of earning and financial independence. By working on various internships, startups, freelance projects, and other initiatives, I have been able to start earning and become financially independent. This has been an incredibly empowering experience for me and has allowed me to have more control and autonomy over my own life.

Earning also allowed me to invest in myself and my future. I have been able to save up and invest in my education, my professional development, and my business ventures. This has been incredibly rewarding and has allowed me to grow and thrive in a way that would not have been possible otherwise.

Overall, earning and financial independence are incredibly important, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to experience them. I am excited to continue earning and investing in myself and my future, and I am looking forward to all of the exciting opportunities and experiences that lie ahead.


While my journey over the last few years has been incredibly rewarding and fulfilling, it has not been without its challenges and setbacks. For example, I have had some difficult experiences with friendships, and have had to deal with the pain and disappointment of losing friends. I have also had to deal with mental breakdowns, which can be incredibly difficult and overwhelming.

Additionally, I have had some challenging experiences in interviews, such as when I stammered and became very nervous even though I knew the answers to the questions. I have also had misunderstandings with close mates, which can be incredibly frustrating and hurtful.

Despite these challenges and setbacks, I have tried to stay positive and focused on my goals and aspirations. I have learned from these experiences, and have used them as opportunities to grow and learn. I am grateful for the support and guidance of my loved ones, and I am determined to continue working hard and pushing through any obstacles that come my way.


Overall, it has been an incredible journey and I am incredibly grateful for all of the opportunities and experiences that have come my way. I am excited to continue learning and growing, and I am looking forward to what the future holds.